About the project

Lithuanian group visit in Sakartvelo
A three-days seminar dealing with the “Common standards and quality requirements for food exports to the EU” took place from July 21st to 24th. It is a part of the development of cooperation project “Sakartvelo-Lithuanian Agricultural Partnership” which took place in Sakartvelo (Georgia).
Local partners have shown great interest. Instead of planned 20 participants more than 35 representatives of small and medium-sized businesses participated to the seminary. Sakartvelo participants presented the EU certification system for food import, Lithuanian experts presented their experience on marketing and business partnerships, finally our expert from Strasbourg presented main business trends in EU.
After an intensive day of distance training, following three days of the seminar were dedicated to individual and group consultations and meetings. On the second day, we visited factories and producers of honey, tea and herbs, wines, fruit vinegar and natural mineral water bottling businesses. Lithuanian representatives were greeted in Oni city municipality and a meeting with the mayor took place. It is gratifying that the Mayor confirmed that, if necessary, it would be possible to keep a post as production manager for the export of local producers from the municipal budget, which would help to develop international relations of the region. It was also confirmed by the Deputy Mayor of Tsageri Municipality to secure the initiative. Although this project does not provide specific assistance to prepare competent staff, it may become an idea for future projects.
In Oni, we visited a craft center and a tourism homestead distinguished by its authenticity and organisation of several educationnal projects for tourists. One consists on the research for crystals in the mountains. A mineral water bottling plant has been presented to experts, the development of which is particularly relevant, since mineral water flowing from the mountains has many healing properties.
On the third day of the visit, the route turned to Tsageri municipality. We visited there a tea processing plant, 100 percent of its production is exported to Germany, a honey processing plant of young farmers, which do not export yet but are preparing the EU certification documents needed to start the business. The municipality of Tsageri are proud to produce one of the most famous wine in Sakartvelo, as it uses a rare type of grapes that grow in sunny mountains. During a visit in the vineyard in the hills, a meeting of business partners in the region took place, during which experts emphasized that the entire European market, which is going into the green economy, pays great attention precisely to organic production.
On the fourth day, meetings took place in Ambrolauri with representatives of honey processing and wine-making companies, the promotion of which will be developed in this project. Filming of the promotional clip and a group meeting with business representatives took place.
Sakartvelo group visit in Lithuania
As a part of the project of Georgian-Lithuanian Agricultural Partnership a group from Georgia including entrepreneurs and farmers from Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti regions, representatives of two NGOs, also consulting Center of Tsageri municipality came for a working visit to Lithuania from September 29th till October 2nd 2021.
On the first day a couple of meetings took place in Sakiai municipality including the mayor Mr. Edgaras Pilypaitis, the director of the business center Mrs. Daiva Palukaitiene and the director of “Gulbele” JSC Mr. Arunas Tarnauskas. During the meeting were discussed opportunities of supporting business as well as to identify perspectives of further cooperation inside the network created by the project. In the second half of the day the guests from Georgia visited the ethnographical museum of Mr. Gintas Cekauskas, they had also the opportunity to discover the culinary heritage house and museum of frogs’ figures and toys in the village of Lekeciai.
The second day of the visit begun with some unpredictable adventure for the members of the group. On the way to Small Lithuania region, their bus was stopped by customs for border control by guards dressed with military clothes of Third Reich Germany. They plaid a stagging of border control like during WW2. It included documents checking, smuggling verification… It shown to the Georgian guests a part of the history of Small Lithuania. In Viesvile village in Jurbarkas municipality the group was hosted by Mr. Valentinas Kucinas in his agro-touristic complex, where they tasted traditional Lithuanian dishes as well as beekeeping products. The guests visited wood processing factory which exports its products to the EU market. The factory is a good example of how small rural companies managing to access to bigger markets. The second day of the visit was finalized by a joint tasting of Lithuanian and Georgian wines.
On the third day the guests from Georgia met with President and General Director of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kaunas. During the meeting was discussed issues of partnership with Georgia. The Chamber’s activities were also presented. It is worth to mention that the representatives of the Chamber offered specific business proposals to the Georgian entrepreneurs concerning import of wine and honey to Lithuania. The entrepreneurs were pretty interested with the business opportunities and consequently planning further steps for the realisation in real.
On the last day they visited Povilas Baliavicius farm. On tens of ha. plot Mr Baliavicius is growing cannabis, which is used for the production of extracts for cosmetic products sold under Jorus brand. They visited also an old catholic chapel in the village of Antanavas and participated in culinary-educational program at restaurant Kurchmistrai Zanavykаi.
All the members of the group express heartfelt gratitude to the Project Manager Mrs. Reda Kneizevičienė and project experts Mr. Redas Miškinis Mrs. Daiva Palukaitiene , Mr. Modestas Mastavicius.
Wine expert consultations in Sakartvelo
On February 14-17, a meeting was held in
Georgia with the participants of the project “Georgian-Lithuanian
Agricultural Partnership”. Together with Giorgi Zakaidze, the project
co-operative in Georgia, and the french wine expert, consultations were provided
to the project participants and the presentation of agricultural production of
the Georgian Rača-Lečchumi region in Lithuania was discussed. The final event
of the project in Lithuania is planned together with the Embassy of Georgia in
Lithuania, inviting interested organizations and associations that could expand
business partnerships so that more Georgian products will appear in Lithuanian
stores: wine, honey, spices and other products.
It is gratifying that we were able to present the results of this project to the Governor of Ambrolauri, the Mayor and the Administration of Oni Municipality. They are ready to help develop business cooperation opportunities with Lithuania. During the meetings, not only the export of products to Lithuania was discussed, but also tourism cooperation. This region is often called Georgian Switzerland. The leaders of the municipality presented the directions of tourism development, which will be focused not only on the summer season, but also on lovers of winter tourism. It is planned to equip ski slopes here. We believe that this region of Rača-Lechchumi has the potential to become attractive in the region not only for the people living here, but also for tourists and investors.
The project is funded by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Support Programme.
Presentation of Georgian agricultural products in Lithuania
On September 19, a meeting was held with Salome SHAPAKIDZE, Ambassador of Sakartvelo to Lithuania. The project’s results were presented and the Georgian partners’ visits in Lithuania were discussed. September 25, Šakiai Municipality The Kurchmistras restaurant hosted a presentation of the products of the Development Cooperation Project “Sakartvelo-Lithuanian Agricultural Partnership” in Sakartvelo Rača-Lečchumis and Kvem Svanetija region, which was attended by Arūnas Tarnauskas, the head of UAB “Gulbelė”. it is only necessary to solve the issues of logisitics. September 26 Georgia’s partners finished their visit to Lithuania in Vilnius. Meetings were held here, as well as the presentation of agricultural products from the Sakartvelo Rača-Lechchumis and Kvemo Svanetia region.
In the morning, a meeting was held in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania with Raimundas Lopata, Chairman of the Interparliamentary Relations Group with Sakartvelo. During the meeting, the results of the project were presented and the possibilities of cooperation between Sakartvelo and Lithuanian businesses were discussed.
The meeting later continued at the Sakartvelo Embassy. This meeting was attended by Salome Shapakidze, Ambassador of Sakartvelo to Lithuania, embassy staff, members of the Seimas: Vilija Targamadze, Algirdas Sysas, Laima Nagienė, Silva Lengvinienė, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Egidijus Giedraitis, business representatives. The results of the project and the virtual platform for cooperation www.saklit.eu, advertising video advertising and products of the Sakartvelo Rača-Lečchumis and Kvem Svanetia region were presented during the event.
Although the project activities have come to an end, we believe that the cooperation will continue and we will look for opportunities for Sakartvelo products to reach our stores, as it is characterized by environmental friendliness and high quality.
The project is funded by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Support Programme.